Leadership Mastery Workshop

Pave the road to your team's to success with mindset mastery.

Curriculum Overview

This full-day workshop is designed for small or large groups, and will help you and your leadership team master your success mindset, time management skills, and ultimately give you the tools to begin building an effective and happy team. Worksheets and handouts give you space to take notes, and we will practice our new skills with improv skill-builders and group breakout sessions. Your workshop leader will provide coaching and immediate feedback to sharpen skills in this learning-rich environment.

A Full-immersion workshop is defined as 7 hours, with 15 minute breaks between modules, and one hour reserved for lunch. Refreshments and lunch are provided.


Most High Achievers envision success as incredibly demanding, time-sucking, and requiring major sacrifice. It can can be, with this mindset. However, you CAN have it all, including the fun and adventures you crave and need, which will help you stay healthy and productive. Research has shown that happy people are more productive and experience greater fulfillment. 

Your definition of success is very personal to you, though many of our clients come to us deeply desiring - and ultimately achieving - a mindset and career that affords the following:

  • Laser focus (recapture time and energy)
  • Take regular vacations and real time off (completely unplugged and assured that operations are smooth while away)
  • Reduced stress, increased ease and relaxation
  • Increased growth potential
  • More precise decision-making powers 
  • “Radar” for success-enhancing opportunities
  • Decreased distractions and negative, success-sabotaging thoughts
  • Develop a mindset of success and the tools to pave the path forward
  • Successful formula for getting started and staying on track 
  • Action plans for new projects/business expansion


Content Outline

Module 1: Vision & Clarity - Get clear on what you really want and the path toward your ideal goals. Learn how to align your goals with the vision of your organization

Module 2: Time Mastery - Change perception of time, “clear the clutter” in space, time and your natural environments. Identify real and perceived time and energy drains to curb wasted time and energy.

Module 3: Time and Energy - Methods to stay inspired and energized, delegation techniques, boundary management.

Module 4: Success - Master hyper-focus to shut down distracting “noise” and navigate success barriers.

Module 5: Review - Review of main learning points of the day, practice new techniques, live coaching opportunities.

Module 6: Q&A -Ask questions to clarify, expand your success vision and stretch further

You will schedule your hour follow-up strategy session within 4-6 weeks to further your success, and to make adjustments to new techniques. 

Are you ready to learn more? Please click below to answer a brief questionnaire and schedule your call with Tracy.