Why I Do What I Do, For the People I Support

This is a very personal share. I was so scared. When my daughter was 7, she was quite sickly. She was losing weight, having major GI distress, had a few cavities, several UTIs, multiple unexplained sprains, and lots of urgent care visits. I’m sure you can imagine I was worried. 

I was frustrated with her pediatrician and pediatric dentist. If I had a nickel for every time they asked if I was giving her juice, and that’s why she was having diarrhea and getting cavities…Nevermind that there were several interviews about the UTIs and sprains, for which I am thankful, for the children who may be in terrible situations and need outside help. 

The last straw was when the pediatrician said the only explanation he could come up with was that she was making herself sick due to her father and I divorcing 2 years prior, and that she needed to see a psychologist. I was flabbergasted and righteously angry! 

I changed pediatricians. The new pediatrician said it was time to get answers, so he referred us to a pediatric GI specialist. GI suggested upper endoscopy, which we dutifully did, and let me tell you, my sweet baby was so dehydrated that they had to stick her 8 times to get an I.V. in for the procedure. She still cries when she gets shots or blood work done, and she’s 18 now. 

The shortened version of this story is that the GI didn’t know what else to tell us, so he gave us 3 prescriptions for the symptoms, to be taken indefinitely. Again. Flabbergasted. When I asked why this would be the protocol and not a recommendation for nutritionist or dietitian, he said, in front of my scared 7 year old, that she would get cancer if I didn’t follow this protocol. Can you imagine!

Frustrated and frightened, I called a friend to vent, and she asked if I would be open to taking her to a naturopath. I was desperate and willing to try anything, even if it meant paying out of pocket. My baby was not thriving, and all I wanted was to help her feel better so she could get back to being a kid.

The naturopath took one look at her recent history, the endoscopy pictures and the list of complaints and said, “In D.C. we’re not allowed to diagnose, but IF WE WERE, I’d say it’s Celiac. She checks all the boxes. So, we’re going to treat her as if and see how she does.” BOOM! Celiac was much harder to diagnose almost 12 years ago, so this was a huge relief. 

In the first month on the protocol, my daughter’s tummy issues cleared, her aches and pains went away, her hair, skin and nails got healthier, and she grew more than she had in the previous 18 months! 

I was sold on complementary care from that point forward. The naturopath and her team saved my daughter from years of pain and poor health. It was so simple, and our new pediatrician was totally on board with the protocol, singing the praises of our naturopath. Now we always have an integrative provider in our world, and we always will.

Flash forward a few years. The first complementary medicine doctor came to work with me to grow their business. Then another, and another, and I realized that I had something that resonated with providers: I could help them get control over their time and energy while growing their profitability. I was helping them learn to slow down to scale up

My skill set matched their needs, but I firmly believe that our connection was sealed by my belief in their mission, and in their ability to sleuth to find root causes of their patients’ pain and discomfort. 

I get it, and I get them. Because of my experience with my daughter, I have a heart for complementary healthcare providers. 

I am on a mission to help practice owners decrease the chaos and overwhelm in their practice and get out of the “Success Trap” so they can get back to doing their great work. 

I help practice owners serve more patients and rise as experts in their areas of speciality so they can change the system from the inside-out. At the heart of it, my clients and I are puzzle solvers, and we’re committed to finding and eradicating the root cause of discomfort and frustrations so our clients and patients can stop merely surviving and begin THRIVING.

If you’re caught in the Success Trap (working all the time, worrying about finances, struggling with decision fatigue, tired of juggling and wearing multiple hats, losing sleep, etc.) schedule a time to speak with me. Let’s talk about what you really want, why it’s important to you, and how you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams, while taking back your time AND enjoying the fruits of your labor.

PS. In case you’re wondering, my daughter is graduating high school next month and heading to music school in the fall. I’m so proud of her, and grateful that she’s thriving and living her best gluten-free life!

About Our Mission:

We help mission-driven practice owners take back their time and clear the path to establishing themselves as leaders in their specialty, so they can enjoy exquisite fulfillment.

We are opening doors for a new cohort in mid-June ‘22 for our Time Leadership program. If you’re ready to get clear about your goals and aspirations, buy-back up to 5 hours per week for the rest of your career and scale your practice, you want to be there. Join providers just like you from around the world to learn and grow together. This peer learning intensive is limited to 8 participants.