How Do You Show Up? Making Adjustments


You have made a decision about how you intend to show up. You have committed to becoming your highest self. We know that it takes 21-35 days to establish a new habit, so you still have time to make adjustments to your commitment. If you want to make this habit of showing up as your highest self smooth and easy to stick with, then it is time to assess and make some adjustments. One of my favorite personal development books, “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, shares the following two analogies, which I have adapted to suit my personal communication style:

Space Shuttle. Did you know that while a space shuttle is in orbit, it is off-course up to 97% of the time? The internal tracking system communicates with the control center, which makes adjustments every few seconds. As if by magic, it reaches its destination -  with precision.

Cars. Imagine if you held the steering wheel tight while driving your car and never made any adjustments. How long do you think it would take until you drove off the road, even while on a straight-away? Take note of how many times you make adjustments while driving and still reach your final destination. So it is in life.

For the linear thinker, this may be “too intuitive” and difficult to accept. Let us keep in mind that life brings us ‘stuff.’ Things happen that are external to us, potentially keeping us from staying the course. The achievement of success hardly ever journeys a straight line from point A to point B. Very often, it is a messy, swirling, swerving array of seemingly disconnected points that get us to our final destination in our personal development. And so, in the true Coach Tracy fashion, I present a simple, effective method to make adjustments to how you show up (and you can apply this to any area of your life; how’s that for keeping it simple?)

3 Simple Steps to Adjusting Your Approach:

  1. Lean Back. Soften the lens, so to speak, and take an honest inventory of how you have been showing up over the past couple of weeks since making your decision and commitment. That is it. Just observe and make note.
  2. Reserve Judgment. Know that you will make mistakes. Do not judge your mistakes; learn from them. Ask yourself what you are learning, and then determine how you will do things differently. Mistakes are only “bad” or “wrong” if we do not learn from them and then make the necessary adjustments going forward.
  3. Make Adjustments. Now. The famous footwear company says, “Just do it!” and here is my personal adjustment to that: “Just do it, NOW!” If you wait for the perfect moment, you will lock yourself into a perpetual state of not allowing yourself to achieve (also called “self-sabotage”).

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~ Lao Tzu

The last part of the quote may throw some people off, because on the one hand while I am encouraging you to be specific and clear in making goals and crafting your dreams, on the other hand, I am encouraging you to be fluid and allow your life to unfold in front of you. This does not mean that you should leave things to chance. I simply mean that as you go along in hot pursuit of your dreams, taking daily inspired action, hold on to your dreams and goals with a firm, yet gentle grasp. Your dreams are like a newborn baby, kitten, puppy or bird. They require loving attention and gentleness. YOU also require loving attention and gentleness - and you deserve it.

As you continue to lean back, observe and adjust, be gentle with yourself. Be kind. Be compassionate. The more you offer this to yourself, the more you have to give to others, and the cycle of abundance continues to flow.

Blessings. Gratitude. Love.

Next week we will explore refining our goals and action steps.

Are you ready to make some adjustments? Want to go beyond blogs and videos? Let’s chat! Click on the connect button below, or email me directly to request an interveiw.