Posts tagged Medical Practice
Why Coaching?

By Tracy Cherpeski

As a provider, you might not have given much thought to being a leader, because you probably started your practice with the grand idea of helping people, not developing yourself as a leader. But the truth is, as a business owner, you are in the leadership business, and rather than resist it, you could develop your skills as a leader and give your staff the tools they need to support the growth of your business and your overall mission.

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Why Time Management Doesn't Work, and What You Can Do About It

Time is the one thing all humans have same amount of each day, unlike money, energy and abilities. I’ve yet to have any clients who use their allotted time the exact same way, but what I’ve witnessed over the years is something my happiest clients have in common, and it’s not how they “manage” their time. It’s how they lead their time.

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