Crystal, “Woo-Woo Magic” and Getting What You Want
“Attention energizes; intention transforms.” - Dr. Deepak Chopra We have heard that whatever we choose to focus on, we enliven and enlarge. Have you ever noticed that when you want something, say a new car, the one you want seems to pop up everywhere? When you’re in a good mood looking for parking, do you notice that the “parking gods” seem to smile upon you and a convenient spot pops up for you? How about if you thought about having a baby; did you ever notice how many babies or pregnant women seemed to pop into your existence? The same is true for what we don’t want. Have you ever started your day off on the wrong foot and noticed that everything went wrong?
Often we know what we don’t want, but when asked what we do want, we struggle with the answer. I sometimes hear from new clients how things seem to keep going in the wrong direction, particularly in certain areas of their lives. For some, it is around relationships, for others, money. For some, it is recapturing their health in the form of a healthy weight, physical fitness or simply the energy to complete daily tasks in their busy lives.
What happens when we become mired in thoughts around what we don’t want is that we attract more of what we don’t want. Simple enough, right? Taking a not-so-big logical leap, we can also say that when we become mired in thoughts around what we do want, we will attract more of that as well. Here is where the “Crystal, ‘Woo-Woo Magic’ and Getting What You Want” comes into play. There’s nothing mysterious or woo-woo about this, really, but it is quite magical. When you focus on what you want, you will attract more of what you want.
The key to really getting what you want is becoming crystal clear about it. The quote by Chopra above states it beautifully: attention energizes; intention transforms. So, before we focus-in on getting what we want, we need to be so clear about what it is so that we can set the intention of bringing it into our lives. There are many schools of thought on how to do this, but to me it is very simple:
- Dream Big. Ask yourself this: “If I could wave a magic wand and have exactly what I want, how would that look?” Allow yourself to think outside of what you think you ‘ought to’ or ‘should’ have. Go for what you really want and start to envision that. Close your eyes and picture it, in detail. Notice colors, sensations and maybe even smells or sounds.
- Notice Negativity and Release It. Do not resist the negative thoughts that arise. If you find yourself thinking, “That will NEVER happen! How silly to wish for something so outrageous!” do not resist the feeling. Acknowledge it, allow it to flow thru and out, and then make a choice to either believe the negative thought or not to believe it.
- Take Action. Once you know what you really want, don’t worry too much about drawing-up the plan. When you know what you want and set your intention, the “how” and the steps needed make themselves very clear. Does this mean to not get organized or use plans? Not at all, but if you are clear on what you want, then even the making of the plan gets you closer to your dream. Take one step toward your goal or dream every day. Break it down, be inspired, tap-in to your vision and your intention, and watch your dream move closer to you every day.
This is the “woo-woo magic” of the Law of Attraction, Law of Intention and Law of Least Effort combined. You don’t need to understand or even pay attention to these laws. Just keep in mind that whatever we choose to give attention to, we enliven.
So, dream big, set your intention and take action. It’s that simple.
Blessings. Gratitude. Love.
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