Learning to Fly - a personal note from Tracy
I wanted to share something personal with you this week - a learning experience worth sharing. I have been digging deeper in my own personal development work, and encountered some deep-seated fears and old feelings that no longer serve me. I have always been quite courageous and willing to take action in spite of fear, but I’ll be VERY honest: I wanted to throw my hands in the air and just run away. Of course, that feeling only lasts for a fleeting moment, but in getting to ‘that place’ and allowing myself to feel the feelings associated with the thoughts, I discovered a strength I had yet to fully tap into - the ability to let go. To really let go. To allow myself to explore the worst fear, visualize what that might bring me, how “bad” it could possibly be. The feelings associated with the fear were enlightening; I discovered that I had developed the habit of holding tension and negative feelings in my body. I also discovered intense anger when I allowed the feelings to bubble-up. Once I allowed myself to feel which feelings and emotions were attached to the thoughts and fears, compassion and tenderness overtook me. From that compassion came the release. I felt for the first time that I had let go of the hold I had let the past have on me that was keeping me from reaching some of my goals, and worse: kept me from believing I deserve to achieve them.
Have you ever wondered why you “can’t” get past something, or why you’re not able to reach your goals fully, or why things “keep happening”? It is entirely possible that you have not released the thoughts AND feelings that aren’t truly aligned with who you are today. We often go to therapy, work thru our past and think we should be prepared to go flying straight ahead... This is not usually the case.
Though it’s not easy, there is a simple process you can work thru to learn how to let go and set yourself free. I would love to share this with you, and am thinking about setting up a FREE Google Hangout or webinar where we can visit with one another and share ideas, insight and solid methods for reaching our highest potential. Always the coach and healer, I want to share these simple steps with you. Stay close. Information is coming.
If you are interested in speaking with me directly, reply to this email or contact me for a FREE 30 minute consultation. I reply within 2 business days, if not sooner, and I’d love to speak with you.
Blessings. Gratitude. Love.